Monday 8 August 2011

Week 1-8

We were working as a group and brainstorming ideas. And with help from our advisors, we finalized our ideas and started developing on the story "Scissors, Paper, Stone". 

My role for this was creating the character designs, but mainly focusing on Scissors. 

Some of my initial designs:

After referencing more on different types of scissors and considering the character's personality, I created the final design for scissors.

And after finalizing on our characters and story, we proceed on to prepare for our first pitching session. My role was to illustrate a suitable poster.

  Our pitch session did not go very well as we were not prepared enough and our pitching style was slightly incorrect. The lectures gave us useful advises to improve on the story concept and as well as our pitching style. 

  After the next few weeks, we continue to identify and solve problems within our story. I have learnt that there are numerous things to consider when developing a story. Firstly, it needs to be suitable for our target audience and thus, we always need to keep in mind the targeted age group. Secondly, to capture the audience's attention, the story should have enough events and quests. As for character designing, it is crucial to show the character's personality through the appearance. This is because it would help the audiences to understand the character and the story better.

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